Stay Compliant with the New  Supervision Guidelines by NSW Fair Trading

REINSW Recognition of Prior Learning

The clock is ticking! As we approach the critical date of 1 July 2024, it's essential for all Licensees in Charge (LICs) to act now to ensure compliance with the new Supervision Guidelines issued by NSW Fair Trading. This revision will replace the current Supervision Guidelines, making it imperative for you to digest the changes and adapt your business swiftly. REINSW has done the heavy lifting for you to help remain compliant:  
View some of the changes*

Real Estate Institute of New South Wales - RTO Number: 90117 (Registered Training Organisation) 

 Privacy policy.

Why You Need to Act Now

In accordance with s32(4) of the Property and Stock Agents Act 2002 (NSW), the Secretary has the power to issue and notify licensees of guidelines relating to the proper supervision of their businesses. Non-compliance is not an option; it can lead to severe consequences including a potential criminal offence. Proper supervision is not just a legal requirement but a cornerstone of maintaining your agency’s reputation and operational efficiency. The new Supervision Guidelines will be in force as of 1 July 2024 and NSW Fair Trading will be knocking on doors.

REINSW’s Supervision Guidelines Template

Our step-by-step online tool helps you implement the new guidelines efficiently. Customise it to suit your agency's unique practices and procedures.

Comprehensive Compliance Resources

Access a suite of tools, resources, checklists, registers, and forms specifically designed to support your compliance efforts.

Detailed Instructions and Support

Instructions and additional resources to help customise your Supervision Guidelines Manual when using REINSW’s Supervision Guidelines Template as a base.

Introducing the Supervision Guidelines Portal

Latest Updates and Continuous Support 

Stay ahead with ongoing updates, changes to templates, and additional resources to ensure your agency remains compliant with the latest legislative changes and other reforms.

Are You Prepared for the Changes Effective 1 July 2024?

To assist you in navigating these significant changes, REINSW presents the Supervision Guidelines Portal – your comprehensive resource for compliance. This online portal provides you with the tools, templates, and resources you need to meet the new requirements seamlessly, efficiently and cost-effectively. This includes a customisable Supervision Guidelines Template to help you craft your agency’s operational procedures.

The NEW Supervision Guidelines Portal contains:

A Copy of the NSW Fair Trading’s Supervision Guidelines

So you have it easily on hand when customising your procedures manual.

Why Choose the Supervision Guidelines Portal?

Developed by the experienced compliance team at REINSW together with top industry professionals, our portal is the most effective tool on the market for LICs. We ensure you are well-prepared for audits by NSW Fair Trading and help you maintain the highest standards of supervision.

Take Action Today!

Ensure your agency is fully compliant by leveraging the resources available through the Supervision Guidelines Portal. Don’t wait until it’s too late – start tailoring your Supervision Guidelines Template ASAP to safeguard your business against potential compliance issues and consequences.

Secure Your Access Now!

Note: Existing Supervision Guidelines Manual subscribers have been automatically upgraded and do not need to purchase this new product. Existing subscribers must log in to the new platform using their REINSW website login details. 

Also, note that the old Supervision Guidelines Manual will NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE within Realtair’s PITCH platform from 11:59 PM on 30 June 2024.

Prepare your agency for the new Supervision Guidelines with confidence. Purchase the portal to access what you need to get started on your path to compliance.

Purchase The Supervision Guidelines Portal

Stay compliant. Stay ahead. Secure your agency’s future today".

Tim McKibbin

*To view the changes you will need a REINSW Website account. If you do not have a website account simply click 'View some of the changes' and then create a website account.

I encourage you to make use of the quality professional compliance and training services that are available to you in the industry if you need them, as well as any further regulatory guidance issued by NSW Fair Trading". 

John Minns

Purchase the Supervision Guidelines Portal

FREE Portal & Template Training sessions included.